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Let's Blow Off Some STEAM

Submitted by eboyd on

Let's Blow Off Some STEAM is a program hosted at Goodman South Madison Library where participants explore different aspects of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math through hands-on projects and experimentation. Projects change from session to session, but have included making ice cream using liquid nitrogen, coding robots, using MakeyMakey's and more! This program is intended for teens and tweens, but family members, parents and caregivers are also welcome to attend.

The upcoming fall series will be presented in partnership with UW Madison Science Alliance. Science Alliance includes scientists, science outreach staff, faculty and student groups who work together to create interactive and challenging stations that boost kids' curiosity and desire to explore science - and possibly contribute to the field themselves one day!

Host Librarian Will Glenn Sr uses an approach that creates fun, playful spaces where kids can move through the stations at their own pace, solo or in groups, and where music and movement are often part of the experience, too!

Upcoming Events: Let's Blow off Some STEAM at Goodman South Madison Library

No registration required; library programs are always FREE.

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Let's Blow Off Some STEAM is a program hosted at Goodman South Madison Library where participants explore different aspects of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math through hands-on projects. 

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Middle School (6-8)
High School (9-12)
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Let's Blow Off Some STEAM at Madison Public Library
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Migrated Age Group
Middle School (6-8)
High School (9-12)
Migrated Library Location
Goodman South Madison Library