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There's a 15 pound cat named Cheese in this book

Posted by Molly W on Sep 14, 2022
A review of Dear Sweet Pea by

Well, heck, this is the cutest book about a 7th grader in West Texas who is adjusting to big changes in relationships, school, and just gosh darn everything. And she’s got a 15 pound cat named Cheese. What could be better?

Star Child

Posted by Holly SP on May 24, 2022
A review of Star Child by

“What if on the day she was born there was a quiet storm of tiny shimmering dust that settled on tree leaves, on flower petals, on rooftops, on the ground, on the shiny work shoes, and glided through open windows to settle on hardwood floors?” 

Bittersweet goodbye / adiós agridulce

Posted by Rebecca M on May 20, 2022

The 2022 Charlotte Zolotow Award winner for best writing in children’s picture books, this new book by Meg Medina is a gem. Evelyn is Daniela’s best friend and they do everything together. Even as Evelyn’s family is packing boxes and loading the truck, these two besties don’t waste a single minute of their time together, playing together until the very last second of having to say goodbye.

All shapes and sizes

Posted by Madeleine on Mar 25, 2022
A review of Bodies are Cool by

I LOVE Bodies Are Cool!  This glorious picture book celebrates all of the different human bodies that exist in the world. It is a truly joyous and inclusive book, and the delightful text and beautiful, exuberant illustrations combine to encourage body acceptance and confidence in the youngest readers – and the grown-ups who read to those little ones, too!  “My body, your body, every different kind of body!  All of them are good bodies!  Bodies are cool!” Pick up a copy of Tyler Feder’s Bodies Are Cool and share some body love and positivity with the ones you love. 

Musa's turn to pick

Posted by Janelle C on Mar 11, 2022
A review of Halal Hot Dogs by

In Halal Hot Dogs, we follow Musa, a young Muslim boy, through his life from the vantage point of the meals his family eats. This is a fun, rollicking story filled with laughter, dancing, and delicious food. The illustrations are done in bold, bright colors that create a visual feast for the eyes. It also introduces a good deal of Arabic vocabulary.

Changing it up

Posted by on Mar 4, 2022

Laila has her sunshine and unicorns-themed birthday party all planned out. Her and her mom have even created a party schedule so that Laila knows just what to expect. But–oh no! The party was supposed to be outside, and now it’s raining!

Where we begin

Posted by Jennifer on Feb 25, 2022
A review of Making a Baby by

I really liked this straightforward and respectful picture book, originally published "across the pond" in England! Lovingly constructed with inclusive language and engaging, visibly diverse illustrations, you are sure to see some part of your family's experience reflected here. All families are ready for these important conversations at different times--as author Rachel Greener writes, "You and your family are amazing, just as you are!" When you're ready to talk the ways one egg, one sperm, and one womb can come together to create a baby, Making a baby is a great resource!

Counting to peace

Posted by Tracy on Feb 18, 2022
A review of Grumpy Pants by

For someone with two young children, I can relate to the – sometimes! – grumpy mornings of little ones. In this book, Grumpy Pants by Claire Messer, Penguin is in “a very bad mood.” The rain is falling on Penguin’s yellow hat and jacket. Penguin stomps all the way home and takes off his grumpy coat, grumpy boots, and grumpy socks. He’s still grumpy! In the midst of all his grumpiness, he pauses to take a deep breath and counts – 1, 2, 3. Then he dives into a splashy bathtub.

Reading that sparkles

Posted by Molly W on Feb 7, 2022
A review of Bunbun and Bonbon by

Adorable Bunbun looks for a friend and finds the perfect companion in sugary Bonbon. They have a lot in common including their ability to hop, their positive outlook on life and their love of all things fancy. Their adventures include picnics, wearing costumes, eating donuts and super sparkly fun times meeting new friends. There's no limit to the kindness and helpful ways of this vibrant duo and I hope they star in many more books. For now, there are three: