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Star Child

Posted by Holly SP on May 24, 2022
A review of Star Child by

“What if on the day she was born there was a quiet storm of tiny shimmering dust that settled on tree leaves, on flower petals, on rooftops, on the ground, on the shiny work shoes, and glided through open windows to settle on hardwood floors?” 

This beautiful book by Ibi Zoboi celebrating Octavia Butler is hard to describe - it includes narrative history of Octavia Butler’s life, poems in different formats, quotes, photos, and the author's own story of the role that Octavia Butler played in her life. I learned about Butler’s life, got chills while reading Zoboi’s poems, and I return to this book frequently, opening it to any page and reading the next story or poem. 

I would recommend this for any fan of Octavia Butler, Ibi Zoboi, poetry, speculative fiction. Actually, I’ve been recommending it to everyone!