You can download and read eBooks or download/stream and listen to eAudiobooks. eAudiobooks will have the earbuds symbol showing the length of the book.
Navigate Libby
Use the icons at the bottom to move through the app.
Search author or title or keyword in Wisconsin’s Digital Library
Open the last library collection you browsed or double-tap to browse all collections
Menu for Help and more options
Shelf with your current borrowed items and holds.
See your checkout activity by month
Browse Collections
Tap to get to titles in different categories such as Fiction, Romance, Nonfiction, Mystery, Juvenile Fiction, Fantasy, Biography, Science, Young Adult and many more.
Tap to get to titles you can check out right now.
Tap to get to a list in which the most popular titles come up first. You can place a hold to add yourself to the waiting list. You will be emailed when it is your turn.
Or, just keep scrolling down to get to browse titles in various featured lists and collections.
Search for a Title or Author
Tap the magnifying glass at the bottom to get to the search screen. Enter the author name or title.
To get to more search options, tap the three dots next to Wisconsin Public Library Co. Tap underlined words to get more options from which to choose.
Borrow a Book
When you find an available book, tap Borrow and then select a time length.
- You can borrow most eBooks and eAudiobooks for up to 21 days by clicking the currently defaulted loan period and changing it BEFORE you click 'Borrow'
- You can have 10 total items from Libby out on your card
Place a Hold
If a book has a wait list, tap Place A Hold to add it to your Holds list.
- You will be asked for your email so you can be notified when your hold becomes available.
- You can have up to 10 holds.
Renew a Book
Items can be renewed a few days before they are due if no one is waiting. If someone is waiting, Libby will give you the option to place a hold. Go to Shelf. Then go to Loans. Tap Manage Loan beside the title.
Return a Book Early
Titles are returned for you automatically, but you can return early, if you wish. Go to Shelf. Then go to Loans. Tap Manage Loan beside the title, then on the next screen, tap Return Early.
Suspend Holds
Go to Shelf . Then go to Holds. Tap Manage Hold beside the title. Tap Suspend Hold. Use the slide bar to choose the number of days to suspend hold. Be sure to tap the Update Hold! button. (You may need to scroll to see it.)
View Only What's Currently Available
To filter lists and search results to currently available:
- Tap Refine on the right side, at the top of the list. Tap Availability (you may need to scroll to get to that choice).
- Then tap Available Now.