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Consumer & DIY

ChiltonLibrary (Auto Repair)

OEM repair, maintenance, and service information on most cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs. Provides step-by-step procedures, diagnostic and troubleshooting help, and a video library.

ChiltonLibrary provides access to repair, maintenance, and service information on most cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs on the road today. People who want to replace the remote key battery, install brake pads, or just understand their vehicle better can tap into ChiltonLibrary for trusted information.

Home Buyers Round Table of Dane County

The Home Buyers Round Table of Dane County provides education, counseling and support that guide you through the steps and put you on a pathway to home ownership.

The Home Buyers Round Table of Dane County Inc. (HBRT) provides education and counseling to low- to moderate-income potential home buyers and offers free workshops to walk you through how much you can afford, applying for a mortgage, improving credit, barriers to getting a loan, and financial assistance.



Tutorials for using popular websites and apps, written for computer beginners and older adults.

Tutorials for using popular websites and apps, written for computer beginners and older adults.

USAgov (formally Federal Citizen Information Center)

Formerly the Federal Citizen Information Center, a tool to more easily find government information including passports, tax forms, small business help, etc.

"You have things to do. Searching endlessly for the government information you need doesn’t have to be one of them.

Passports. Social Security benefits. Tax forms. Small business help. There are so many reasons to need government information and services, but finding them can be tough. Let us help. USA Gov is the federal program that guides you to tips and tools in English and in Spanish from hundreds of government agencies, departments, and programs. Online, by phone or chat, and in print—we help make everyday life a little easier."