Books for Grades 6-9
Banned and Challenged Books List
A short list of notable books that have been banned and/or challenged across the nation. More titles and information can be found at Banned & Challenged Books, a website of the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom.
Science Fiction Books for Teens and Young Adults
Travel to another time, another world, outer space or a mix of all three with these science fiction titles.
In this book list:
Dystopian Fiction Titles (Can you survive in this world?)
Apocalyptic Fiction Titles (It's the end of the world!)
Black History Books for Kids and Teens
This is a selection of books that celebrate and honor the experiences, struggles and achievements of Black people in history.
Teen and YA Books that Celebrate Hispanic and Latine Heritage
Books that have Hispanic or Latine teen main characters.
Asian and Asian American Fiction for Middle Grade and YA Readers
Fiction books that have Asians or Asian Americans as lead characters.
Horror Books for Middle Grade and YA Readers
Spine-tingling books to read if you dare!
Mae Mitchell Multicultural Collection
PRISM (People Resources in South Madison) established this multicultural collection for children at the Goodman South Madison Library in memory of Anna Mae Mitchell. These books, which span the breadth of cultures, races, and ethnic groups, are a lasting tribute to her life and work. To this day, the collection continues to be supported by her family, friends, and those who remember her important contributions...