The Library of Congress has an online exhibit called American Memory. It includes photos from the Detroit Publishing Co. collection. You can search the collection by keyword. Type "Madison and Wisconsin" and see what you get. | more info >>
A list of publicly-accessible Frank Lloyd Wright architecture organized geographically. Developed in 1997 in conjunction with a library program. | more info >>
A photo exhibit is designed to capture the multinational character of children who have come to Wisconsin in successive waves of immigration throughout the state's history. | more info >>
The Madison Living History Project is a place to share stories and images related to Madison’s history. These are snapshots of Madison neighborhoods, places, people, and events conveyed through conversations with and stories from community members. | more info >>
The purpose of the Wisconsin Veterans Museum is to commemorate, acknowledge, and affirm the role of Wisconsin veterans in America’s military past by means of instructive exhibits and other educational programs. | more info >>
Links to online exhibits, many featuring aspects of Wisconsin history including a full collection of Wisconsin Blue Books, as well as materials from all University of Wisconsin campuses and many Wisconsin public libraries. | more info >>
Offers a number of links (under Archives) to sites of historical interest in Wisconsin. For the holdings of the State Historical Society, use the University of Wisconsin-Madison's card catalog. | more info >>