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Submitted by csalek on

Join Wisconsin Master Naturalist Alex Singer this fall to learn about wintersowing, an easy, inexpensive way to garden during the winter. Singer will give a brief demonstration and Q&A about creating a mini-greenhouse, then participants can try it themselves using native seeds from Singer's garden (while supplies last). Tools and soil will be provided, but participants should bring their own lidded milk jug or plastic container.

Upcoming Events

This program will be offered three times:

This program is intended for adults and registration is required.

About the Presenter

​Alex Singer has worked with Madison Public Library staff to build upon the vegetable seed library project, most active in the spring, to include native plant seeds, which are most often best sowed/started in the fall. Having transformed his suburban yard into a Homegrown National Park over the past decade or so by replacing the majority of turf grass with native forbs and grasses, he works to spread the news and the plant diversity via such projects as well as giving away his yard's bounty, inviting groups to tour his yard, and giving talks on native plant propagation and their importance, as well as working toward the loosening of Madison's natural landscape ordinance.

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Create a mini-greenhouse out of a milk jug! Workshops will take place at Pinney and Sequoya Libraries.

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Milk jugs cut in half with plants growing in them
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General News
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Pinney Library
Sequoya Library