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Dancing with the dead

Posted by Molly W on Jul 14, 2022
A review of The Dead Romantics by

Florence Day is a ghost writer for one of the most famous romance authors in the industry and finds herself stuck after a bad breakup. She believes love is dead and the inspiration to write has vanished. Yet, she cannot shake the dead, because she also sees and communicates with ghosts, no matter how hard she tries to ignore them. So, you have a ghost writer who sees ghosts and believes love is dead even though the dead are present all around her. Are you following all this?

In order to sort out her complex situation, Florence heads home to her eccentric southern town to bury her beloved father and reconnect with her family who run the local funeral parlor. If you'd like to visit a place where the Mayor is a golden retriever, Elvis impersonators provide funereal entertainment and helping the dead resolve their unfinished business varies wildly between collecting one thousand wild flowers to solving crimes and falling in love with someone who walks through walls, then this funny, sweet romance is for you. A refreshing debut novel that is uplifting and full of spirit in more ways than one.