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Toronto mom truths are basically the same as Madison mom truths

Posted by Molly W on Jan 22, 2020

Cat and Nat are best friends and mothers with seven kids between the two of them. They are urban Canadians and have husbands named Mark and Marc. They've created a massive online community of moms of which I am not a part and quite frankly, know nothing about, but I regularly listen to comedy books while commuting to and from work and this book on audio fit that bill perfectly. Cat and Nat narrate and they are hilarious. You can tell this by the book cover that features a wine glass with an upside down Barbie doll in it.

I appreciate Cat and Nat's mom truths about babies that don't sleep and kids that refuse to pick up their clothes or eat vegetables and mom bods that will never be the same after having children. I also found a lot to relate to regarding mom ruts. There's a chapter on Honey Nut Cheerios that is my life exactly. 

On paper, Cat and Nat are not like me. They are considerably younger than I am, blond, and one is married to a professional athlete. They have been stay-at-home moms with enviable vacation plans and family to help watch the seven kids when they are elsewhere. This is not true for me. But they are practical, likable, and love their kids like crazy. Their mom truths are well worth a listen or read and I hope they continue to build their particular brand of humor.