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Rom-com retelling of Disney's Cinderella

Posted by Molly W on Sep 14, 2022
A review of If the Shoe Fits by

If the Shoe Fits is the first in the new “Meant to Be” series for adults inspired by classic fairy tales. What was “meant to be” in a Disney-way is now updated for modern sensibilities and women who aren’t waiting around for a Prince or Princess Charming. If they find one along the way, cool, but their lives are pretty awesome as is.

Cindy is a recent graduate of Parson’s School of Design in New York with a penchant for shoes. She loves the way shoes fit women and men of all sizes and styles and she not only designs them but collects them. Through a set of unusual circumstances, Cindy ends up on a dating show similar to The Bachelor called After Midnight where female contestants stay in an American “castle” and vie for the affections of a Prince Charming. This is not really Cindy’s cup of tea, but she can’t pass up the on-air time to promote her shoe line and philosophy. It turns out America loves Cindy and she becomes a show front-runner. But she’s got some secrets that might affect the outcome. Cindy’s stepmom is the show producer and she has a previous connection with Prince Charming, an heir to a struggling clothing dynasty.  

All of the tropes about evil steps, fairy godmothers, belles and beaus of the ball, clocks striking midnight, and rags to riches are thrown out the window or treated with a sly twist. Strong messages promoting body positivity, gender affirmation, and critical social commentary on the role that media plays in daily lives provides lots to think about.  

The next books in the series are:

By the Book by Jasmine Guillory - a modern take on Beauty and the Beast about an ambitious editorial assistant working with a reclusive and ornery author.

Kiss the Girl by  Zoraida Córdova - a variation on the Little Mermaid about a famous singer focused on finding their own voice. Anticipated publication date of June 2023.