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Growing and changing

Posted by Holly SP on Jan 6, 2023
A review of Ride On by

I was looking for some graphic novels to read over the holidays and placed a hold on this book, but even as I did I wondered if it would be too horse-y for me. I never really went through a horse phase as a kid beyond a couple trail rides at summer camp, but I shouldn't have worried. Yes, this book is about horses, but it's really about evolving friendships, growing up, changing interests - and fandoms!

Victoria has always loved riding horses, and when she starts at a new stable she's not interested in making friends, she just wants to ride. The other kids welcome her at first, but are curious why she left their rival stable and why she's not very friendly. Slowly she warms up to them, and as the group bonds over their love of an old TV show we learn more about Victoria's riding - and friendship - history. Ultimately, we learn that friendships and interests change, and that there's nothing wrong with letting go of either as we grow and develop new ones.