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A mostly good fourth-grader

Posted by Rebecca M on Feb 17, 2023
A review of The Best of Iggy by

“All of us do things we wish we hadn’t done,” reads the first line of The Best of Iggy. Especially when we are 9 years old. Some things really aren’t so bad… we just wish we hadn’t gotten caught. Some things aren’t so bad… buuuuut we probably shouldn’t have taken things quite so far. But some things. Some things we just really really wish we hadn’t done. Iggy does all of these things, with all the hilarity you might expect. (This is a snort-laugh out loud while reading in public sort of book - be warned!)  But also with the humility and remorse that comes after.

We all make mistakes, that is what being a kid is all about! And Iggy is an amazing kid. This is a book for all 9 year olds, all the silly ones who do silly things, and who sometimes really aren’t sure why they did it. We’ve all been there. Iggy certainly has. If you love Iggy as much as I do, you’ll be excited to learn this is the first of a series about this wonderful and relatable character.