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Extra pinch and sparkle

Posted by Molly W on Nov 30, 2023

One of Dolly Parton's best colors is what her husband Carl Dean calls "pinch" or peachy pink. It's one of my favorite colors, too. I used to call it melon. But it's more than that. The cover of this beautiful tribute to the iconic personal style of Dolly Parton over the years is pinch. Isn't that a clever way of naming a color? It just fits. It's logical, yet fancy. Just like Dolly.

What you will find inside the cover of this gorgeous book are more than 300 pages of full color photographs and anecdotes featuring Dolly's most memorable outfits and fashion moments, tips, and tricks as shared in interviews with Dolly's lead archivist and niece, Holly George-Warren. The stories and photos showcase a lifelong passion for looking fancy and wanting to shine that starts with necklaces made with feathers and acorns from the Appalachian Woods where Dolly grew up. 

Through the years the custom jumpsuits, gowns and wigs decorated with rhinestones, butterflies, and bows become synonymous with Dolly. She jokingly refers to her taste as "trashy" and has famously said, "It takes a lot of money to look this cheap." Upon close inspection, there is nothing trashy or cheap about Dolly's costumes and show apparel. It's 100% fabulous and befitting of the Queen of Country.