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By day a comic book writer...

Posted by Jane J on Jan 7, 2019
A review of The Frame-Up by
Scott Molin

MG Martin is a writer working for the comic book publishing company responsible for the comics that spurred the geekdom of her youth. Her dream job, or so you'd think. But things have stalled. She struggles to have her ideas heard in a building full of men and while she still wants to write the comics she loves, she's wondering if she should be pushing for more or even pursuing her love of costume design. Then into her lap falls a real-life mystery. Someone, mimicking the Golden Arrow, is acting as a vigilante and seems to be re-enacting the capture of criminals in scenes that feel like they've been taken directly out of the classic comics MG loves. When a chance encounter with the lead detective on the case brings her expertise to light, MG is eager to help and soon finds that she and the people she knows may be more connected to the case then she originally thought. Now she has to decide just how far she's willing to take things to bring down a masked vigilante (who could very well be one of her friends).

This is a fast, fun read. And while I admit that it got a bit messy plot-wise in the last third of the book, I ended the book with a smile on my face. If you are a nerdy fan at heart, then MG (Michael Grace) is the gal for you. She's snarky and snappy and unwilling to suffer fools gladly, a protagonist after my own heart, I'll admit. And along with a great cast of characters, there's action, mystery, romance and all the geekiness you could want.