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Connecting with ravens

Posted by on May 5, 2023
A review of The Raven Mother by
Hetxw'ms Gyetxw, aka Brett Huson,
illustrated by Natasha Donovan

"Hoarders. Scavengers. Clever foragers. Bringers of new life." 

Follow along in this beautifully blended narrative of fact and storytelling to learn about how Nox Gaak, the Raven Mother, and her flock, look after one another and raise their young. Each vibrant page shows the connections that ravens have with both their habitat and the Gitxsan Nation. Explore why these graceful and intelligent birds are so important in our environment. Hetxw'ms Gyetxw is from the Gitxsan Nation, an Indigenous peoples from unceded territories in the Northwest Interior of British Columbia.

This is the sixth book in the Mothers of Xsan series.

--reviewed by Carrie