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In the blink of an eye

Posted by Liz C on May 8, 2019
A review of How to Walk Away by

It’s not often that the best and worst day in your life is one and the same, but for Margaret Jacobsen the protagonist and narrator in this remarkable novel it is. To achieve your dream job and a proposal by the man you adore, makes her believe that a wonderful picture-perfect life is just around the corner. But in one moment all of that is shattered as she finds herself at the beginning of a very different reality.  All of which starts when Margaret wakes up in a hospital and slowly learns how much has changed.

I was impressed at how much I as the reader was caught up in the character’s emotional travail and also how well the author expressed the whiplash effect of severe trauma. A minor quibble would be the neat tying up of all the threads at the end, but it didn’t diminish the overall strength of the book. Recommended.