A list of Wisconsin authors and their books
Alfred Lunt | August Derleth | Carrie Catt | Charles and John Ringling | Eric Heiden | Frank Lloyd Wright | George F. Kennan | Georgia O'Keeffe | Glenway Westcott | Greta Van Susteren | Harry Houdini | Jean Dixon | Glenway Westcott | Joseph McCarthy | Laura Ingalls Wilder | Les Paul | Liberace | Orson Welles | Robert La Follette | Russ Feingold | Spencer Tracy | Thornton Wilder | William Rehnquist | Zona Gale | Collections
Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne: A Bibliography by Phillip M. Runkel. 791.430280922016 R874a
Design for Living: Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanneby Margot Peters. 792.028092241 P442d
The Fabulous Lunts: A Biography of Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne by Jared Brown. 792.0280922L973b
The Lunts: An Illustrated Study of Their Work, with a List of Their Appearances on Stage and Screen. 792L97f
Stagestruck; the Romance of Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne. 792L97z
August Derleth author, Sauk City
August Derleth, a Bibliography by Alison M. Wilson. 818.5209016D446w
The Derleth Saga by Evelyn M. Schroth. 818.5209D446s
Remembering Derleth: All About Augie, 1909-1971 by Bill Dyke. 813.54D446zd
Walden West by August Derleth. 818.5209 D446ww
Carrie Catt woman suffragist, Ripon
Carrie Chapman Catt, a Biography by Mary Gray Peck. 901 C29p
Charles and John Ringling circus entrepreneurs, Baraboo
Big Top Boss: John Ringling North and the Circus by David Lewis Hammarstrom. 338.7617913092N811h
The Circus from Rome to Ringling by Earl Chapin May. 791M45c2
The Circus Fire: A True Story by Stewart O'Nan. 974.63 On1c
Circus! From Rome to Ringling by Marion Murray. 791.309M965c
The Circus Kings by Henry Ringling North. 791.3092R47n
Ringling the Florida Years, 1911-1936 by David C. Weeks. 338.7617913092R474w
Ringlingville USA: The Stupendous Story of Seven Siblings and Their Stunning Circus Success by Jerry Apps. 791.30973 Ap65r
Those Amazing Ringlings and Their Circus by Gene Plowden. 791.3P72t
Eric Heiden speed skater, Madison
Eric Heiden: America's Olympic Golden Boy by Suzanne Munshower. 796.910924H362m
Frank Lloyd Wright architect, Richland Center
At Nature's Edge: Frank Lloyd Wright's Artist Studio by Henry Whiting II. 727.9 W589n
Death in a Prairie House: Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Murders by William R. Drennan. 364.15230977576 W931d
The Fellowship: The Untold Story of Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship by Roger Friedland & Harold Zellman. 720.92 W931fri
Four Great Makers of Modern Architecture by John Brown 7272
The Frank Lloyd Wright Companion by William Allin Storrer. 720.92 W931s 2006
Frank Lloyd Wright: The Houses photographs by Alan Weintrauband text by Alan Hess. 728.37092 W931w
Frank Lloyd Wright: A Penguin Life by Ada Louise Huxtable. 720.92 W931hu
George F. Kennan diplomat, Milwaukee
American Visions of Europe: Franklin D. Roosevelt, George F. Kennan, and Dean G. Acheson by John Lamberton Harper. 327. 7304 H232a
At a Century's Ending: Reflections, 1982-1995 by George F. Kennan. 327. 73047 K361a
George F. Kennan and the Making of American Foreign Policy, 1947-1950 by Wilson D. Miscamble. 327.73M681g
George Kennan and the Dilemmas of US Foreign Policy by David Mayers. 327.20924K361m
Operation Rollback: America's Secret War Behind the Iron Curtain by Peter Grose. 327.127301717 G912o
Georgia O’Keeffe artist, Sun Prairie
The Art & Life of Georgia O'Keeffe by Jan Garden Castro. 759.13 Ok2c
Becoming O'Keeffe: The Early Years by Sarah Whitaker Peters. 759.13 Ok2p2
Carr, O'Keeffe, Kahlo: Places of Their Own by Sharyn Rohlfsen Udall. 704. 0420904 Ud1c
Full Bloom: The Art and Life of Georgia O'Keeffe by Hunter Drohojowska-Philp. 759.13 Ok2dr
From the Faraway Nearby: Georgia O'Keeffe as Icon edited by Christopher Merrill & Ellen Bradbury. 759.13Ok2m
Georgia O'Keeffe by Lisa Mintz Messinger. 759.13 Ok2me
Georgia O'Keeffe: A Life by Roxana Robinson. 759.13 Ok2r
Miss O'Keeffe by Christine Taylor Patten and Alvaro Cardona-Hine. 759.13Ok2pa
O'Keeffe: The Life of an American Legend by Jeffrey Hogrefe. 759.13Ok2h
O'Keeffe and Stieglitz: An American Romance by Benita Eisler. 759.13Ei87o
One Hundred Flowers by Georgia O'Keeffe. 759.13Ok2on
Portrait of an Artist: A Biography of Georgia O'Keeffe by Laurie Lisle. 759.13Ok2l
Three Artists (Three Women): Modernism and the Art of Hesse, Krasner, and O'Keeffe by Anne Middleton Wagner. 709.2273 W125t
A Woman on Paper: Georgia O'Keeffe by Anita Pollitzer. 759.13 Ok2p
Glenway Westcott novelist, Kewaskum
Glenway Wescott by William H. Rueckert. 818W51r
Glenway Wescott: The Paradox of Voice by Ira Johnson. 813W51j
Glenway Wescott Personally: A Biography by Jerry Rosco. 813.52 W511zr
Greta Van Susteren, journalist, Appleton
My Turn at the Bully Pulpit: Straight Talk About the Things That Drive Me Nuts by Greta Van Susteren and Elaine Lafferty. 349.73 V366m
Harry Houdini, magician, Appleton
Death and the Magician: The Mystery of Houdini by Raymund Fitzsimons. 793.80924H813f
Houdini!: The Career of Ehrich Weiss: American Self-Liberator, Europe's Eclipsing Sensation, World's Handcuff King & Prison Breaker: Nothing on Earth Can Hold Houdini a Prisoner! by Kenneth Silverman. 794.8092 H813s
Houdini: A Mind in Chains: A Psychoanalytic Portrait by Bernard C. Meyer. 793.8092H81m
Houdini: His Legend and His Magic by Doug Henning, with Charles Reynolds. 793.80924H813h
Houdini, the Man Who Walked Through Walls by William Lindsay Gresham. 793.8H81g
Houdini; the Untold Story by Milbourne Christopher. 793.8H81c
Houdini on Magic, edited by Walter B. Gibson & Morris N. Young. 793.8 H813h
Houdini, Tarzan, and the Perfect Man: The White Male Body and the Challenge of Modernity in America by John F. Kasson. 305.31 K154h
Houdini's Fabulous Magic by Walter B. Gibson and Morris N. Young. 793.8G35ho
Houdini's Magic: Prepared from Houdini's Private Notebooks and Memoranda with the Assistance of Beatrice Houdini, widow of Houdini, and Bernard M. L. Ernst, president of the parent assembly of the Society of American Magicians by Walter B. Gibson. 793.8G35hm
The Life and Many Deaths of Harry Houdini by Ruth Brandon. 793. 8092 H813b
The Original Houdini Scrapbook compiled by Walter B. Gibson. 793.8H81gi
The Secret Life of Houdini: The Making of America's First Superhero by William Kalush and Larry Sloman. 793.8092 H813k
Jeane Dixon, astrologer, Medford
A Gift of Prophecy: The Phenomenal Jeane Dixon by Ruth Montgomery. 133.3M76g
Jeane Dixon: My Life and Prophecies; Her Own Story as told to Rene Noorbergen. 133.3092D64j
Jeane Dixon: The Witnesses by Denis Brian. 133.3092D64b
Joe McCarthy Senator, Appleton/Little Chute
Joseph McCarthy: The Misuse of Political Power by Daniel Cohen. 973. 921092 M127c
Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator by Arthur Herman. 973. 921092 M127h
The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy: A Biography by Thomas C. Reeves. 973.9180924M127r
McCarthy and His Enemies; The Record and Its Meaning by Wm. F. Buckley, Jr. & L. Brent Bozell. 973.92B85
The Politics of Fear: Joseph R. McCarthy and the Senate by Robert Griffith. 901 M128g
Seeds of Repression; Harry S. Truman and the Origins of McCarthyism by Athan Theoharis. 973.918T34s
Senator Joseph McCarthy and the American Labor Movement by David M. Oshinsky. 322.2Os4s
Senator Joe McCarthy by Richard H. Rovere. 901M128r
Shooting Star: The Brief Arc of Joe McCarthy by Tom Wicker. 973. 921092 M127w
Laura Ingalls Wilder author, Pepin
Becoming Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Woman Behind the Legend by John E. Miller. 813.52 W645zm
Laura: The Life of Laura Ingalls Wilder by Donald Zochert. 813W64z
Prairie Girl: The life of Laura Ingalls Wilder by William Anderson. 813.52 W645zag
Searching for Laura Ingalls: A Reader's Journey by Kathryn Lasky and Meribah Knight. 813.52W645zl
Les Paul musician, Waukesha
Les Paul: An American Original by Mary Alice Shaughnessy. 781.64092P281s
The Les Paul Legacy by Robb Lawrence. 787.87166092
Liberace entertainer, West Allis
Behind the Candelabra: My Life with Liberace by Scott Thorson with Alex Thorleifson. 786. 10924 L615th
Liberace: An American Boy by Darden Asbury Pyron. 786.2092 L998p
Liberace; An Autobiography by Liberace. 786.2092L61l
Liberace: The True Story by Bob Thomas. 786. 10924 L615t
The Things I Love by Liberace. 786.2092L61t
The Wonderful Private World of Liberace by Liberace. 786.10924L615l
Orson Welles actor, Kenosha
Despite the System: Orson Welles Versus the Hollywood Studios by Clinton Heylin. 791.430233092 W459d
Orson Welles. The Road to Xanadu by Simon Callow. 791.430233092 W459c
Orson Welles. Hello Americans by Simon Callow. 791.430233092 W459c v2
Rosebud: The Story of Orson Welles by David Thomson. 791.430233092 W459t
Robert La Follette politician, Primrose
Fighting Bob La Follette: The Righteous Reformer by Nancy C. Unger. 977. 504092 L133u
The La Follettes and the Wisconsin Idea by Edward Newell Doan. 901L135d
The La Follettes of Wisconsin: Love and Politics in Progressive America by Bernard A. Weisberger. 973. 90922 W434l.
Robert M. La Follette and the Insurgent Spirit by David P. Thelen. 901L135th.
Robert M. La Follette, June 14, 1855--June 18, 1925 by Belle Case La Follette. 973.910924L132I
Robert M. LaFollette, Progressive by James I. Clark. 901L135c
Russ Feingold Senator, Janesville
Feingold: A New Democratic Party by Sanford D. Horwitt. 328. 73092 F327h
Spencer Tracy actor, Milwaukee
An Affair to Remember: The Remarkable Love Story of Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy by Christopher Andersen. 791.43028092273 An22a
The Complete Films of Spencer Tracy by Donald Deschner. 791. 43028092 T674d
The Leading Men of MGM by Jane Ellen Wayne. 791.43028092273 W367l
Spencer Tracy; A Biography by Larry Swindell. 791.4309T67s
Spencer Tracy, Tragic Idol by Bill Davidson. 791.430280924T674d
Tracy and Hepburn; An Intimate Memoir by Garson Kanin 791.4309T67k
Thornton Wilder author, Madison
Conversations with Thornton Wilder edited by Jackson R. Bryer. 818.5209 W645wc
The Enthusiast: A Life of Thornton Wilder by Gilbert A. Harrison. 818.5209W645h
Thornton Wilder, An Intimate Portrait by Richard H. Goldstone. 818W646go
Thornton Wilder and His Public by Amos Niven Wilder. 818.5209W645w
Thornton Wilder, His World by Linda Simon. 813.52W645zs
Thornton Wilder translated by John Conway. 818W646p
William Rehnquist Supreme Court Justice, Milwaukee
A Court Divided: The Rehnquist Court and the Future of Constitutional Law by Mark Tushnet. 347.7326 T871c
Mr. Justice Rehnquist, Judicial Activist by Donald E. Boles. 347.732634R269b v1
Original Intent : Chief Justice Rehnquist and the Course of American Church-State Relations by Derek Davis. 342.730852D291o
The Rehnquist Choice: The Untold Story of the Nixon Appointment that Redefined the Supreme Court by John W. Dean. 347. 732634 D345r
The Rehnquist Court and the Constitution by Tinsley E. Yarbrough. 347.7326 Y2r
The Rehnquist Court: Judicial Activism on the Right edited by Herman Schwartz. 347.732635 R269r
Turning Right: The Making of the Rehnquist Supreme Court by David G. Savage. 347.7326Sa92t
Zona Gale writer, Portage
Zona Gale by Harold Peter Simonson. 818FG13s
Still Small Voice: The Biography of Zona Gale by August Derleth 901G131d
Badger Saints and Sinners, by Fred L. Holmes 900H73
Famous Wisconsin Artists and Architects by Hannah Heidi Levy. 977. 50099 L579f
Famous Wisconsin Inventors & Entrepreneurs by Marv Balousek. 977. 50099 B215f
More Than Petticoats: Remarkable Wisconsin Women by Greta Anderson. 920. 082775 An23m
Created by Jim Staskowski